Sponsor a child

One of the many rewarding ways to get involved with the institute directly is to sponsor one of the children in our care.

Why Sponsor?

Caring for and educating a single child at the Institute costs a minimum of Euros 2,400 a year. None of the children who attend the Institute are simply able to afford this amount of money. Your financial support can ensure the children are able to get the much needed schooling and help they deserve. But it is not just about money it is also about the personal relationship sponsorship let’s you to build with the child.

How does it work?

The sponsorship secretary will help you identify a child to sponsor and will then send you a welcome and information pack. Twice a year you will receive a personal letter updating you on how your sponsored child is doing and the progress he/she is making. You are free to respond and develop the relationship as appropriate. There is no fixed length of a sponsorship. For more information see ‘contact with your sponsor child’.

How do I apply? What does it cost?

Does this sound like a way you would like to get involved and support the children? Then please contact the sponsorsecretary. You can contribute as much or as little as you feel comfortable. There is no fixed amount. Should you prefer not to give financially, then sponsorship can come in the form of prayer. On receipt of the application form, you will be contacted to start this rewarding experience. Thank you!

Any further Questions?

Please contact the sponsorship secretary in Jordan: hlid.sponsorships@gmail.com.