International Meeting

Sponsors of the “Holy Land Institute for the Deaf” from several countries came together at the international meeting: Germany, the Netherlands, the USA and Great Britain (via Zoom). In addition, Mr. Andreas Maurer, head of the Paulinenpflege in Winnenden, was at the international meeting to reaffirm the connection between the Paulinenpflege and the school for the deaf in Salt together with Selmar Ehmann and other representatives. Unfortunately, Swiss representatives were unable to come to the international meeting in person, but they sent gifts for the children in advance, which were then brought to Jordan by the German members. The meeting was translated by two sign language interpreters for two deaf/hearing-impaired club members from the Netherlands. The meeting discussed the current situation of the “Holy Land Institute for the Deaf”, for example the current occupancy figures, new areas of work and finances. What is new, among other things, is that there are now also offers for autistic children and their parents. In addition, the support associations have looked for ways in which this valuable work can be made even better known in the future – for example through international cooperation on the website.