Visit to Germany

In June Father Jamil took an opportunity to visit Germany. Coincidentally, the weekend of the annual festival of the Paulinenpflege in Winnenden was combined with the annual general meeting of the Allah Kariem Association.
Dedicated club members ensured that Father Jamil was able to make good use of his time and thoroughly enjoy his visit. During the annual celebration, after a service in which Father Jamil greeted all present, he gave a lecture about the work of the “Holy Land Institute for the Deaf” (HLID). The opportunity of the Association’s annual general meeting provided Father Jamil with the chance to report on progress and plans for the Institute and to answer questions. During this visit he was also presented with a beautiful bib for his newborn son, which he was delighted with.
The head of Paulinenpflege also took the time to reaffirm the partnership between the two institutions. Meetings with sponsors were also organized so that companies that had already donated to the work of the HLID could gain a personal connection with Father Jamil and the school.